Would you be participating in the ICISD 2024 edition? Please register ahead of time

The International Conference on Innovation and Sustainable Development (ICISD) is an aspiring conference organised by the College of Management and Social Sciences, Covenant University, Canaanland, Ota. The conference brings to the fore the convergence of scholars and researchers from the Social Sciences, Engineering, and Business to rub minds in order to foster solutions on issues relating to regional integration, security management, peace and conflict resolution, poverty reduction, scientific resolution and human capital development to mention a few.
Theme: The Future of Work, Resilience & Sustainability
- Evolving Horizons & Changing Paradigms: Shaping the future of work for economic resilience.
- "Work 2030: Navigating the future - Towards economic sustainability & iclusive prosperity"
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Work: Shaping tomorrow's economy with resilience & Innovation
- Work 2030:Gender inclusivity, innovation & sustainable development
- Governance, public resource management & democratic institutions performance
- Financial Institutions recapitalisations and evolutions of innovations and digital finance
- Alternative Investments, diversification, higher returns and Wealth Management and Personal Finance
- Quantum marketing and consumer behaviour in a digital economy
- Accounting automation, models and practices in the Workplace for sustainability
- Economic development in Future work with Circular, Blue, Digital and Climate Economies
- Sustainable Media, Advertising and inclusive communication practices
- Sociological perspectives of Employee Resilience and Business Firm Sustainability
The Conference will include:
- Plenary and concurrent sessions
- Poster sessions
The conference participation covers conference materials and lunch
meet our speakers
day 1

Dr. Akin Akinpelu
day 2

Mr. Olumide Ajomale